Can the Western Christian approach towards dating be flawed?
Welcome! We are glad that you are here. The Bay Area Christian Singles was created for the purpose of Equipping and Connecting Bay Area Christian Singles for Dating and Marriage. There is something wrong with our society’s approach towards dating and marriage. The secular culture of dating has crept into the church. To make things worse, the church has created an often unbiblical approach towards dating if it addresses dating at all. These wrong views have infiltrated the minds and hearts of Christians. Restoring marriage is an endeavour we owe to future generations.
An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound a ton of cure. We believe that more needs to be done to help single Christians in preparing and choosing a spouse. Most people spend more time researching their next car purchase or their next vacation than they do preparing themselves for marriage. Many Christians are bombarded by the Disney fairytale and Hollywood love stories lust stories which are a sure recipe for disaster in marriage.

Can the Gospel be the missing piece to your journey towards marriage? Salvation is more than just a ticket out of hell, it is a transformed life that affects every aspect of life including why we marry and who we date. BACS is a community created to fill this gap. Come for dating and marriage, leave with a greater joy for your salvation!
If you want to get a better idea of what we are about, check out the below:
We hope to develop a community that gathers the many pockets of single Christians scattered throughout the San Francisco Bay Area to bring them together to start a movement where a high-view of marriage is restored and singles are able to find a partner for their next stage of life.
If you are not single, please spread the word. If you are single, CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO JOIN.