Equipping and Connecting Bay Area Christian Singles for Dating & Marriage

Can the Gospel be the missing piece to your journey towards marriage?


BACS’ Mission is to Equip and Connect Bay Area Singles Christians for Dating and Marriage. Equipping is the most important part of the equation. You can meet 100 of the most compatible and beautiful/handsome men or women. But if are not equipped then you will squander each of those opportunities.

We approach equipping and connecting through the Four Cups Paradigm. It is a way of helping singles evaluate where they are at, and what they are lacking/strong in, and to work on those areas. For a more in-depth look into the Four Cups Paradigm, please click here.

BACS Articles

interior of library with books on wooden shelves and ledder

BACS Articles are bite-size nuggets of truth applied towards dating and marriage. So often, dating advice is focused on the very practical aspects such as where to go on a first date, how to have the DTR and other such questions. Although these practical issues are important and addressed in BACS, what we focus on is the big-picture. Although the Bible does not discuss dating as we know it, there are many biblical principles that when understood and applied correctly have great relevance to dating and marriage.

For example, many single Christians see no success in the area of dating because of foundational character development issues. One of these issues for men and women is their fear of rejection. No one likes rejection. For many singles that come to our group, they realize that their fear of being rejected is what has kept them from taking action when it comes to dating. For guys, it may be a fear of asking a girl out. For girls, it may be a fear of a relationship not working out paralyzing them from even allowing an opportunity for a relationship.

But biblical principles that help us understand our salvation should directly affect our ability to overcome this paralyzing fear. The Bible teaches that believers have been forgiven of the greatest fear of their lives, the judgment of our sin. As such, there is freedom in this life as all other fears pale in comparison. Is it possible that the Gospel truths have implications not just for our life after death but also in our current life, in areas such as finding a spouse?

BACS Articles are currently behind. Many articles are on the BACS Facebook group. Come back in the future when old as well as new articles will be posted here.

BACS Monthly Socials & Seminars

The meat of BACS’ would be our monthly BACS gatherings. These monthly gathers include social gatherings as well as seminars on dating, marriage, and life. The gatherings are spread throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and occur usually on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Events are usually from 3p – 9p. The first half is a social event or a seminar. The second half is dinner usually accompanied by facilitated discussions in small groups. At BACS, we proactively mingle groups to allow attendees to meet as many other attendees as possible and also facilitate discussions to help attendees get to know each other.

Some of our past events include:

  • Bocce Ball
  • Pottery Painting
  • Iron Chef Competition
  • Annual BACS BBQ picnic potluck
  • Thanksgiving potluck
  • Corn Maze
  • Escape Room

Events often have a nominal fee to cover expenses. Dinner is paid by each attendee. BACS’ monthly gatherings are for members and their invited guests only. Want to be a member, CLICK HERE.

BACS Youtube

In order to better equip single Christians, we have upload seminars to our new BACS Youtube page. We hope that this Youtube page will be a great resource for single Christians in equipping themselves for dating, marriage, and life.

To access our Youtube page, CLICK HERE.